Provide good services and respond upon customer enquiry
We always listen to customers request and idea in solving their manufacturing needs
We have experiences and spontaneous response in your business need
V.P. Global Innovation Sdn Bhd
We principally involved in turnkey glove manufacturing projects; mainly dipping machines, supporting machines, accessories, and process consultancy
Our Advantages
During the day-to-day reality of business, we could customize providing you with personal service that could suit your requirements.
- Understanding
- Accessibility
- Personal Service
- Partnership
Providing The Best Glove Factory Planning & Set Up Process
Product portfolio, Machine speed & yield, Plant design & layout, Source procure verify the performance and specification test and commission the Dipping line and Process, Provide approximate water consumption for producing nitrile and latex examination glove, Provide overview dipping machine power consumption, Provide training for the key personnel to be competent to operate the plant, optional auto compounding design and control systems for latex and coagulant compound
Our Core Business
We had experienced full time process consultant to advise the manufacturing plant layout, process design to be incorporated into designing the latest manufacturing technique and process flow into the glove dipping production line. We always listen to customers latest request and idea and assist in solving their manufacturing needs.
The Advantages
Personal Service
Our Current Project
In modern manufacturing philosophy, flaw management of production lines can be directly correlated to operation’s profitability. In our belief, we help customers to investigate flaws from their basis – what’s is the root cause. Applying scientific approaches and DMAIC methodology, we strive to narrow down the probable cause of the flaw and tackle with a simple solution, one at a time. We wish to help our customers improve product quality and achieve a better cost structure by doing this.
Wide Range of Products
Gloves Dipping Line Spare Parts
Our Happy customer
Jonathan Doe
Happy CustomerVolutpat sit amet leo id, efficitur mattis turpisune cing bibendum est. Proin ligula nisl, mattiss ollicit
udin and magnaet, rhon venena ipsum. Maecen as in tempor ipsum.
Happy CustomerVolutpat sit amet leo id, efficitur mattis turpisune cing bibendum est. Proin ligula nisl, mattiss ollicit
udin and magnaet, rhon venena ipsum. Maecen as in tempor ipsum.
Jonathan Doe
Happy CustomerVolutpat sit amet leo id, efficitur mattis turpisune cing bibendum est. Proin ligula nisl, mattiss ollicit
udin and magnaet, rhon venena ipsum. Maecen as in tempor ipsum.
Multiple Service Products
Posuere tellus imperdi facilisis antideos. Curabitur faucibu tellusemper lpsumes kosuere tellus imperdi facilisis antideos nunc finibus placer.
Plumbing System Pipes
Posuere tellus imperdi facilisis. Curabitur faucibu tellusemper nunc finibus placer.
Drainage System Pipes
Posuere tellus imperdi facilisis. Curabitur faucibu tellusemper nunc finibus placer.
Electrical Pipes
Posuere tellus imperdi facilisis. Curabitur faucibu tellusemper nunc finibus placer.
Sanitary Pipe Fittings
Posuere tellus imperdi facilisis. Curabitur faucibu tellusemper nunc finibus placer.
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